Thursday, January 15, 2009

ah time to spare. I think you can tell I'm all jittery.brr wonder why?

How my friends and I want to interpret the Gaza bombing in a less-serious choice of tone.

DAENA-The US of A.

Rowan and Kamal fight for Derrick's math book
(Derrick's math book as the land they are fighting for)
Kamal tears the book.
Both party blames each other.

Daena mends Derricks book,lovingly cooing so the poor boy doesn't burst into tears.
But Daena is the one who passed Rowy and Kamal the book.


and I really wish the hem of this skirt would go a little longer.

I intend to hold traditions.
The FIRST would be weekly DAE,SOPH,NICK,LEX,KEM AND TY time during lunch.

not a lot of time we have left.
Next year is prom and SPM.OH God.
Time for a revelation.

1 comment:

Sphwong said...

More like

Rowan- PALESTINE (the west bank) Not Afghanistan.(for your info Palestine is split into two areas the Gaza Strip and the West Bank and are NOT connected in any way)

Kamal- Israel(the Jews)
Derrick- Palestine(Gaza Strip)
Daena- USA

The book belongs to Rowan. However it used to belong too Kamal too but he returned is to the SBPT and it re-issued it to Rowan.

A bully steals kamal's book so kamal then takes back what was his from Rowan via force.

The great battle splits the book into two. However a strip of paper flies out.
This strip of paper(gaza strip) is important because it contains all the mathematical formula on it.(lets say its a math book)

Derrick picks up the strip of paper. (and thus becomes the gaza strip)

Rowan is not to happy that Kamal split his beloved book into two plus removing him from his strip of important mathematical formulae. Thus declares that he is the rightful owner.

So they begin a long and never ending fight. But Kamal is bigger and stronger then Rowan and constantly beats him as well as Derrick down to the ground.

The teacher responds by issuing warnings to Kamal but dares not take action as his father is the head of the PIBG and gives big donations to the school.

In effect Daena a prefect doesnt dare even scold Kamal but even goes as far as 'Memulaukan' poor Rowan and Derrick and asking the whole class, which listens to her to give them the cold shoulder. (economic sanctions)

This is due to the fact that he is her sugar daddy.
(Sorry, according to current American-Israeli relations ;)

So this is hows its always been all year. Rowan just wants his book back, derrick is an innocent bystander and Kamal is a big bully with the prefect and teacher under his wing. (well he finances them)

Recently Derrick fed up with Kamal decided to fight back.( Hamas trumps Abbas in the gaza elections)

He has a stash of stones( rockets)
which he throws at Kamal from a distance.

Kamal is irritated and proceeds to crush Derrick. But Derrick is resilient, withstanding Kamals attacks and gaining the sympathy of his classmates but nothing form the prefect and teachers.

In the end the prefect and teacher are pressured to act from the class and the end of the conflict, for now draws near.

The sad part is that this follows a pattern of ceasefires and hurt feelings that will never end less Kamal, Rowan and Derrick forget their egos. Which will never happen.

May peace befall these troubled nations.

PS: This story is full of holes to, in testimony of the complex political turmoil engulfing the area.

PPS: This is the work of someone with no life. How I envy those schooling days...