My brother is now finally-well sort of-a teenager.
And now I never thought he'd become a teenager because aside from the age
-13,he's a December baby so clearly he hasn't hit that criteria yet-
to me you are teen when you start ACTING like one.
The other day we were in the car and he said..
"Yeah I know mum but I was born to procrastinate,"
I squeezed his face and said,"OH MY GOD baby you said a smart word!"
(At that very moment feeling like an idiot)
Through muffled words I managed to hear an "MHHMMMFFF"
I guess that meant "Yeah,can you stop being a whacko"
Maybe it's the fact that he is the youngest in the family,that littered in my drawers are numerous baby pictures of him. Even a cute passport photo next to Derrick's in my wallet.
Even when I'm angry at him I can't help but feel the urge to pinch his cheeks.
Sitting,reminscing with my kakak on the kitchen floor with herself and my brother,we were laughing at how adorable he was! My kakak has been with is for a LOONNNG time (since I was in Grade One,yup SRI INAI Ash,Gaston and Nick (:) She remembers putting him to sleep and he'd go "EEEEYYYYOOOOOO DUSHDUSHDUSH KABOOOOM" imitating the onomatopoeia of an army battle, occassionally repeating "affirmative" to the tanks.
My brothers first word was "BRRROOOOM". Not a word but,okay a sound then. This was even before MUMMY came out from his mouth! This is why automobiles are something he holds so dearly to his heart. Just like another Sagittarius I know (; I remember stealing all his Hot Wheels while he made a tantrum.
While I am lacking in culinary instincts( slicing a lemon nearly had me slicing my finger off),my brother is very passionate about his food. Able to taste what the dish is lack off,everything tastes "GOOD" to me. I cannot be a food cannouseir ): Just about last year he still said "KAY-APP-CEE" instead of "KAY-EFF-CEE" when asking if he could eat at his favourite fast food joint.
My mistake,any fast food joint is his favourite fast food joint.
Trust me,if you have seen him you would know.
Moving on,
The other day while studying he had craftily managed to get my BlackBerry from my grasp and instead of flipping through the texts like all bratty brothers do
(the ups of a STORM is that it's press screen and he has difficulty enabling it)
he had used to mirror-like side to...
scrutinize his face.
I stared in disbelief while he coolly added
"Che can you pluck my monobrow,"
I thought I was about to have a mini-seizure
And while I was about to ask him to DIAL 911 (or was it 994?!?)
He non chalantly dabbled,
"And che can I borrow your pimple cream,I can feel a spot"
Baby,you've grown up (':