Thursday, January 17, 2008


I think I'm turning gay.Because I kinda listen to Click Five more than the recommended dose.
Kenzo you laaaa. But yah anyway.
Take care of Roxas.
Oh I just felt Citrus kicking! hahaha!
You are such a loser (WHO WILL BUY ME JIMMY CHOOS (((: )
I know my blog is like in a coma and no one loves me enough to visit me.Urgghh
I'm currently into lip plumpers.But owwwww.
I have an obsession with vanilla.
Vanilla perfume,candles,body butter and ice cream.
Mhhhhmmmm, Hagen Dasz Vanilla.

Anyway my class sucks.Even more than 2 Cengal.
I like some people,but I like more people in 2 Cengal.But theres like 9 girls in 3Cengal so yeah.
I miss A. & co. even though sometimes I have the dying urge to kill you all in your sleep and if you think about it,it's possible on account I know where YOU ALL LIVE!
That sounded creepy but if you stay on my good side nothing bad will happen (:
Sam's birthday is on the 20th.I hope you like your "birthday present".SEEEEEE I am good luck.
I am aching to run but no ones home so I can't go out alone.Sucks to be a girl sometimes.
I need to change the colour of my blog,because cotton candy pink doesn't exactly suit the seductive(?!?)/venomous/spooky(?) approach I'm looking for don't you think?
Seems alot less intimidating.

I really appreciate 2 Cengal now ): and like Mal says It never gets better just worse.Talk about being a saddist but I've begun to believe him now.

I'm in dire need to stop.To take a step back and release.And you are completely obvlious as usual.I don't think you will ever see.But there is nothing I can do.
I 'm going to be a soldier.I will stand tall and I will breathe and go along though you are always here subconciously.I never would have guessed it was going to be you.

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