Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I don't know what holidays do to a person but I feel as if they transform you by the end of each one.

Usually the toll's pretty insignificant but after a while, you'll be able to go:
"Where did I go?"

And back at school while the hawks are trying to stuff every little bit of insignificant knowledge into our tiny over productive minds, I just blank out.

I zone out and notice really small things, like

Michelle looks so pretty with bangs.
That Shaz has amazing complexion (he even glows)
Trina sticks her tongue out a little when she's REALLY into her work
For someone with that IQ level Ke Li sure likes to sleep in class a lot
Derrick does have cute hair when the fringe isn't thin, OH SO THATS WHY HIS HAIR WASN'T THAT NICE BEFORE
Kamal's smile really can make you heeehehhhheheheh
How Krish cracks her knuckles when she's paying attention/reading her own notes/nodding her head
Sher Nie can sleep and smile at the same time (?)
Emily is so pretty with her hair up
Ashley is like a MUCH nicer version Regina from MeanGirls, just that she's Asian.

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